Day Crafting. 6 Week Apprentice Course over Zoom.

The new 1:1 Apprenticeship starts ... whenever you choose

The Day Crafting Apprentice Course

The Day Crafting Apprentice Course

Begin crafting a more balanced and fulfilling life with the Day Crafting Apprentice Courses in 2025. If you can't make those dates, join the newsletter for updates.

Plese consider if the 1:1 Apprenticeship is a better option for you.

You can also get in contact with me (contact form below) to arrange bespoke Day Crafting workshops or courses.

This 6 week Day Crafting Apprenticeship, currently running remotely via Zoom, is the best practical way to begin shaping your quality of life through Day Crafting. It continues to be facilitated directly by Bruce Stanley, the founder of Day Crafting.

Course participant testimonials

Participation is limited to small numbers to benefit from individual engagement and collaboration. Although you won’t complete the course as a master Day Crafter, you will be equipped with valuable tools and insights to improve your quality of life.

The course is supported by a comprehensive set of workbooks and suggested weekly practice. The workbooks will enable you to specialise and further develop your practice beyond the Apprentice Course.

Further informaiton about the workbooks is available here but you get workbooks 1-4 included in the course.

leatherwork craftswoman

In the Day Crafting Apprentice course

  • Thinking at a different pace with a craftsperson’s perspective.
  • Spending time at the working surface, developing curiosity about the material.
  • Initiating a dialogue between practice and reflection, finding your rhythm and incorporating play.
  • Developing economy of gesture and the skilled use of energy.
  • Benefiting from diversity of opinion, another’s point of view and community.

Reserve Your Place

The six weeks

1. Exploring The Workshop

  • Our material: us, our lives, our circumstances
  • Us in a day. Energy, habit and attitude.
  • Intention and mindset tools.

2. Patterns and Foundations

  • The design objectives.
  • How to measure the quality of crafted days.
  • Our unique chronobiology.

3. Blueprints and Future Moments

  • Designing the whole day.
  • How to maximise moments.
  • Maintenence and self-care.

4. Present Moments

  • Distraction and Focus.
  • Creative motivation and practice.
  • The filter method.

5. Rest and Ritual

  • Inner conflicts over time.
  • Rest days and soul days.
  • Rituals.

6. Progress and Craftwork

  • The depths of the craft.
  • Tools for common projects.
  • Day Crafting for others.

Who is the Day Crafting Apprentice course for?

girl in front of wall

This is for you if you’re attracted to the craftsperson's journey and the rhythm of curiosity, practice and appreciation. Learning here owes more to patterns of presence, play and experimentation than to long-term goals or willpower.

This is for you if you have the desire to develop yourself for the benefit of others. Expression and mastery as an artist can be intrinsically motivated and serve primarily yourself, nothing wrong with that, but craft-work tends to lean more outwards – our crafted days recognise that we’re part of communities and serve others.

To varying degrees, you’ve been doing this for most of your life. Each new day can be left on default or you can begin gently to see where improvements can be made. Mastery comes with 10,000 hours (so it is said) but any 24 hours under conscious Day Crafting counts (that’s just over a year away if you start now). And you will have accumulated valuable accredited prior learning.

The future depends on what you do today.

Mahatma Gandhi

Reserve Your Place

yoga class

Previous participants ...

Bruce Stanley ran a course which I stumbled on at the worst time of my life. His approach changed my life dramatically. I really recommend having a read of his new website intro. Just reading it has shifted something for me already! Bruce Stanley you are bloody brilliant.

Charlie Ewer. Occupational Therapy Clinical Lead. Bristol.

Day Crafting Apprentice Course Details

How is the course delivered? Via zoom. You will need a distraction free space, a web cam and microphone. Make sure you’re familiar with zoom and have it loaded beforehand.

Timings? Each session starts promptly at the advertised time (same day and time each week) and lasts for 90 minutes. You will receive more details before the course starts.

How much does it cost? The course costs £120 including 4 workbooks. Payment is taken in advance for the whole course.

Questions not answered above? Please enquire via the contact form below.

Course participant testimonials

Who is Bruce Stanley? My experience comes from adult education, coaching, leadership development and positive psychology focussed group work. And from creative project management and innovation facilitation. I’ve worked in these capacities with clients from all walks of life – but I relish most working with the whole person, rather than someone within the limited frame of their job or in the context of a project.

Personally I approach my days with the expectation of creative possibility and delight but, to the relief of many of my positive psychology coaching clients, I am not a pumped up, power-of-positive-thought, I’ve-already-won kind of person. My life is as challenging as all of ours, but here's the critical detail, I’ve always asked myself what would I rather instead? And so I’ve become a problem disassembler, a solution tinkerer, an intervention inventor, an 'a-ha’ coaxer, a Day Crafter.

Bruce Stanley illustration

My work with personal development and Day Crafting has come from my own experience handling challenging situations and my internal responses. I’m tenacious about finding effective tools to make what improvements I can in my life, and to help others improve their quality of life. Day Crafting has also come from my own observations that classic coaching, in which I’m qualified and experienced, doesn’t suit many people.

Individual 1:1 coaching / mentoring is available on a limited basis. If you would like to know more, please get in contact with me via the form below.

Choose a blueprint to craft

  1. A mindful day to be present
  2. A savouring day to maximise pleasure
  3. A focussed day of productivity
  4. A skilful-living day using character strengths
  5. A happiness day to improve wellbeing
  6. A righteous day to develop healthy habits
  7. A deliciously lazy day to re-energise
  8. A proverbial mountain top day to clarify purpose
  9. A secret superhero day to serve others
  10. A priceless day to remember forever