Most of us find saying NO hard to do
We say YES because saying NO might upset the other person. Society encourages us to be this way; to be good (the nicest people I know have this problem). The implications of saying no feel risky at a deep level. But the costs of saying yes (when it would be better to say no) also have serious implications leading to busyness, resentment and even burnout.
You free up more time and energy if you get better at saying no.
Becoming more time and energy rich are a much better predictor of happiness and greater wellbeing than money.
And at some level we just don't want to be taken advantage of. Maybe our propensity to say yes, because we can see that is what the other person wants us to say, isn't that healthy and isn't a great example to set for others around us.
NOvember from Day Crafting.
During NOvember join up with other Day Crafting apprentices to put some ideas into action.
- Over the month, receive an email and a challenge each week.
- Learn some new techniques for saying no.
- Explore the underlying rules and mindset behind our default behaviours and learn to make some changes.
- Get crystal clear about what to say YES and NO to.
- Understand that it's not just other people we need to say NO to.
- Set your own targets and work at your own pace.
Depending on how the project goes, we may run some zoom workshops to answer questions and get to meet each other – and if you send me your questions and reflections, these will be answered in subsequent emails.
Yes, but how much does it cost?
It is totally free to join. I only have a favour to ask in return and that is to sign up a handful of your friends to the Day Crafting newsletter or this NOvember project.